Youwei Zhuo

Youwei Zhuo

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

School of Integrated Circuits

Peking University

Youwei Zhuo (卓有为) is a tenure-track assistant professor at the School of Integrated Circuits, Peking University. Before joining Peking University, he was a research scientist at Alibaba DAMO Academy. He received a BE degree in computer science and a BA degree in economics from Tsinghua University in 2016. He received his PhD degree in computer science from University of Southern California under the supervision of Prof. Xuehai Qian in 2021.

His research interest is computer architecture and system software, including novel memory architectures, heterogeneous parallel programming, and distributed systems for large-scale graph processing and machine learning. His research work has been published and presented in several top conferences, including PLDI, MICRO, HPCA, and ASPLOS.

I am actively looking for PhD students and undergraduate interns. If you are interested in cross-stack optimizations for hardware and software co-design, welcome to reach out to me!



  • 先进封装和新器件存算芯片架构
  • 并行编程语言与编译优化
  • 分布式机器学习与图计算系统

📕 长期招收博士生
📖 长期招收实习生(可远程校外实习)
🔮 申请2026年入学的学生,建议提前联系实习
